Platte Valley High School
Classes of 1975-1980
Will 77-Ward

Residing In: | Saratoga, WY USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Andi |
Occupation: | Carpenter |
Children: | Ashlie Shana |
After graduation I attended Northwest Community College in Powell for 1 semester and The University of Central Arkansas for 2 semesters. I then decided to take a year to decide what I wanted to do with my life.33 years later I still have'nt figured it out . Got into the constuction trades and have been doing that ever since.I lived in Laramie,WY from 1983 thru 1990 and have been the constuction foreman for a small company in Saratoga since then.
In 1987 I met my wife Andi.We were married in 1988, we were blessed with two daughters.My oldest daughter Ashlie is a freshman in college, and my youngest daughter Shana is a junior in high school.Andi works as computer tech for the school district.
Both girls are actively involved in sports and many other extra curricular activeities.Andi enjoys reading, working in her yard, and anything the kids are involved in.I enjoy the many things the Platte Valley has to offer, including, but not limited to, hunting, fishing, white water rafting, and wood working. I am passionate about bow hunting and have been lucky enough to harvest 2 bull elk and 1 mule deer buck over the course of 10 years. I was also lucky enough to kill a nice 6 point elk with my rifle this year. In the summer you can find me either fishing the world class Blue Ribbon trout stream of the Upper North Platte, or running Class IV white water either here ,or up in Idaho where I have been on numerous adventures.
In the winter I spend my leisure hunting coyotes or holed up in the woodshop.I love to work with wood and I am thankful for the excellent teaching I received from Ken Kandolin.I have built alot of the furniture in my home including our dining room table, coffee table, end tables, curio cabinets, and bed. I also built a cedar chest for my daughters graduation.
Last year Ashlie was crowned Wyoming Homecoming Queen and got to represent the state at the national compettion in Disney Land, We got to spend a week out there and had a great time. She is also the Lady -in waiting for the Carbon County Rodeo Queen.
I guess that is all I can think of to put in this profile for now. It is hard to sum up all I have been doing for the last 30 years. I just can't beleive how fast it went . Most of the time I still feel like that same old kid that went to P.V.H.S. until I look in the mirror that is.
I guess the thing I liked best about high school was sports, especially football. I have nothing but great memories, not only of the games but also of practice. the bonds we shared will always mean alot to me. To this day I am still proud of what we accomplished as a team. I believe I developed alot of my work ethic on the gridiron.{Thank you Mike Koulentes]. I am also grateful for the friend ships I had and all the great times we had together. If I have any regrets I just wish i would not have been so darn shy. If i had it all to do again I would have kissed a lot more of the girls.I guess why that's why they say that youth is wasted on the young.{HA]
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