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•   Mary 76-Blom (Thompson)  3/2
•   Truit 78-Trowbridge  1/30
•   Linda 78-Ellis (Platts)  8/19
•   Laura 75-Rathbun (Werner)  9/1
•   James Grooman (Grooman)  8/13
•   Kristy 78-Mahon (Chadwick)  9/17
•   Debbie 78-Nordin (Reichert)  9/16
•   Steve 75-Shamion  8/21
•   Tammy 79-Brock (Grant)  3/20
•   Kathy 77-Williams  3/20
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in Arizona
4 live in California
7 live in Colorado
3 live in Florida
2 live in Idaho
2 live in Kansas
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Missouri
5 live in Montana
1 lives in Nevada
1 lives in New Mexico
3 live in Oregon
4 live in Texas
2 live in Utah
3 live in Washington
31 live in Wyoming
158 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Hello Everybody!  Hope you're all having a great year!  Please tell others about our website so that they can tell us about themselves!  Also, please update your profiles so that we can all keep in touch!  Let us know if you hear of any reunions so that we can post the information!

Check out the new pages at the left...especially the "Our Great Music." You can listen to the music that we love from our time! There's also some cool vintage pictures for the class of 1978. 

The Friendship Day idea came after we learned of the death of another one of our classmates earlier this month. It was mentioned that how sad it is when we lose touch with those that we knew in our school days and just growing up in general. The comment was made that it was too bad that we couldn't have some type of gathering in Saratoga and get as many people together just to visit and reunite with family and friends. Knowing how hard it is to make multiple trips during the summer to attend gatherings, John Zeiger suggested we do it during Togie Days. June 30th - July 4th!! Check out John Zeiger's fb page for details! Thanks John!!

Welcome to the Platte Valley High School Classes of 1975-1980 website. Please let everyone you know that this site is here for them to participate in! 




Tom 76-Shamion  7/30
Ken 80-Collamer  8/1
Theresa 78-Hart  8/3
Joe 79-Parrie  8/9
Ron 79-Pigg  8/19